
83 days on a Netflix show, I’m very excited to see this all together. More to come soon. As you can see by this photo its a massive production with usually 2 cranes and more. 


Just wrapped a music video with Sonreal, this could be his most wild video yet. Directed by Dane Collison and Devin Karringten and I co-DP’d. 

Location Scout

Director Dane Collison and I have been location scouting on weekends for an upcoming music video. Excited to start shooting this project. More on this next week.


Just finished doing the last episode of Van Helsing for Netflix, had a lot of fun doing some Dolly and Crane moves. Such a wonderful team, they’ll be missed.


Got to spend the day with the one and only Pam Anderson. We shot a lot of photos and got some great videos soon to be released as well. What a fantastic woman.

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